
Peyote White Powder of Gold

Rainbow Bowls MP3

RAINBOW BOWLS- MP3 is the energy of 25 Tibetan Rainbow Tonka’s amplified by 100,000 million times. Tibetan Tonka’s are used in Tibetan meditations for out of the body travel and PSI opening. Monks meditate on them to achieve these advanced states. This App makes available the amplified energy of these Tibetan “psychotronic devices” for easy everyday use. Most of these Tonka’s are rarely available and are quite expensive. Researchers report uncommon connections to higher, thought free states with long lasting states of bliss. The audio track is a composition of Tibetan bowls and bells and river sounds by Scott Borders composer and musician extraordinaire. It is one of the most powerful and requested Apps that we offer. Loop it for all day energy clearing. The music style plus the Tibetan Tonka energy makes an Alchemy energy formulation that is dreamy, the visual superb and the energy exquisite. Altered states from Tibet–you bet.


Psychoactive MultiMedia SixPack App

This new iBlissnow App, developed in a quantum physics lab, features hundreds possible micro-dosing, psychoactive, energetic formulations to energize and thus transform all of your digital media. Expand your consciousness and mental and emotional capacity with our digital micro-dose smart pill collection.

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IBlissnow™ LLC – All rights reserved
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