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Everything I Touch Turns to Gold

White Powder of Gold has been sought after since ancient times. Paracelsus used a solution of gold with his patients and had many cures. Inventor David Hudson some years ago was trying to duplicate and manufacture this substance. It was called in ancient times, variously, shem-an-na, mfkczt (Egyptian spelling of white powder of gold), the philosopher’s stone and astral gold, also 69 etheric matter, manna, food of light, stone of perfection, house of gold collected by arcing light—electricity. It has been called the Golden Fleece. It could even have been soma, food of the Gods. Remember the sacred city of El Dorado, the city of gold? Spiritual gold’s attributes have been discussed historically in the book The Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark by Laurence Gardner.

This sacred substance has also been referred to as alchemical gold, the golden tear from the eye of the Egyptian god Horus. Also keep in mind that the great Pyramid of Giza was originally gold plated. It outputs Horizontal Negative Green, the spiritual carrier wave. When this carrier wave mixes with that amount of gold shape sacred geometry, a spiritually resonating field takes place. None of these rave statements are excessive in my opinion. Regular gold, when correctly energy stimulated, with the other 2 primary fields or waves, emanates a higher field of spiritual golden energy. It tests positive to emanating a larger wave of Higher Harmonic of Gold and when mixed with White Light becomes White powder of Gold.

I have coined the affirmation that best fits my experience. “Everything I touch turns to gold!” This powerful spiritual energy is the essence of havingness. As you let it in, you feel richer. Want to feel truly wealthy? Experience this golden energy and allow it to permeate your entire being. Gold is the world’s most powerful energy of wealth.

The alchemical gold energy is an inner light. For eons the consumption of golden flakes and elixirs has been revered in religious ceremonies, to initiate the adept to the higher orders of spiritual experience. As you receive this energetic gold does it not create a richness of spirit?  You start to feel as if you are rich even though, at that time, the evidence may seem to indicate otherwise. Creation comes from the inner to the outer. Many wealthy people have a lot on the outer, as far as riches go, but on the inside they are bankrupt as they have channeled all of the gold energy into financial gain and none of it into transformation.

The White Powder of Gold (WPG) energy field will not necessarily make you rich but it will clear the subconscious of counter immerse yourself in the White Powder of Gold field and notice the way you feel in that present moment.  Do you not feel rich?   Experience this golden energy and allow it to permeate your entire being. Gold is the world’s most powerful energy of wealth. The alchemical gold energy is an inner light. For eons the consumption of golden flakes and elixirs has been revered in religious ceremonies, to initiate the adept to the higher orders of spiritual experience. As you receive this energetic gold broadcast over time, you start to feel as if you are rich even though, at that time, the evidence may seem to indicate otherwise. Creation comes from the inner to the outer. Many wealthy people have a lot on the outer, as far as riches go, but on the inner planes they are dirt poor.

The oftentimes then lose this wealth because they cannot let it in or integrate it. They are poor in spirit. The energy of WPG is the wealth building, manna or spiritual food. It brings richness in spirit. This is the brilliant gold energy that purifies and transforms your MERKABA (light body) over time. WPG will cause you to resonate with the gold of life. WPG is the highest resonating substance I have ever tested. The iconography of golden auras and halos of saints could not all be wrong.

When we dowse the pictures of saints, and I do mean paintings, not photographs, the golden energy is there. The painting is a frozen in time representation of that saint. The energy of the saint can be conducted through that painting. If you then record the energy of that saint through that painting and amplify it millions of times, you have an energetic relic. When you receive that WPG “broadcast” from a saint 24/7, you learn to resonate with that saint. The saint’s energy signature is the gift of that saint. A comparison of (1) having a saint pray for you and (2) our broadcasting that same saint’s energy to you, tests as one and the very same.

How many saints do you know that will pray for you 24 hours per day,7 days a week for even one month with no lapses?  Why have just a statue in your home? The energy amplification itself is the prize—the energy itself. When you mix the saint’s energy with Sacred Geometry, you get an energetic formulation that inclines you toward higher-self-type qualities. This is the supreme power of prayer. The HHG is that God the Father energy.

It has long been observed that the body of a saint—the earth “does not take.” The Higher Harmonic of Gold and Ultra White Light have unique longevity powers. Dead people do not decay or decompose so fast when their bodies emanate this golden light. What better longevity product than sainthood? Become a saint and live longer and look better even after you are dead! Want to look good and be holy? This golden chi is the highest resonance, saint smart pill longevity formulation that I have found with no counter-indications. Sainthood harms no one! This is why HHG is my candidate to be the soma of ancient times—the food of the gods!

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