Energetic Magic Mushroom/Reishi Mushroom complex formulation for energetic micro dosing. Reishi and Shrooms make a healthy and brain wise concoction, helps you chill out and at the same time enhances creativity and feelings of well being, cognitive improvement plus grounding. Features Gold Energy, White Light, Higher Harmonic of Ultra Violet for increasing psychoactivity. Copy to about everything–non alcoholic beer and wine, suppliments
EXAMPLES: Copy onto website pages, NFTs, crystals, pictures, art work, holy pictures, sculptures, headphones, magnetic cushions and magnetic wear, copper bracelets, massage vibrators, cannibis plants, growing mushrooms, wine, musical instruments, glass windows, mobiles, water filters, smoking pipes, books and magazines.
Combines with all SSCs -Gold apps, e-Ecstatic, -e-Rhodium, -e-Xenon,-e-Stress Buster, e-Oxytocin
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Content by Hart Productions
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