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e-White Powder of Gold

e-White Powder of Gold PNG App energetically is a very high vibe Egyptian communion sacrament that generates mental clarity and expanded consciousness. This formulation enhances deep meditation plus spiritual qualities for a unique synergetic experience. The white light brings about a state of high relaxation. The mental, emotional and sensational openings make for an adventure.


It took us over 20 years of “on the workbench lab work” to learn how to make White Powder of Gold in physical form, then transmute it into digital format. Our website and my book show this development in detail, along with my podcasts and blogs. The High Tech Alchemy meets Ancient Metaphysics e-book takes you on a journey to the sacred substance of the Sorcerer’s Stone or Philosopher’s Stone– from ancient Egypt to a modern day, state of the art, Quantum Physics lab–page by page. And finally its transmutation into digital energetic App format.


1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, delivery of the Goods shall take place by download from the seller’s website(s) or delivered to the address specified by the Buyer on, or as close as possible to the date required by the Buyer. The Buyer shall make all arrangements necessary to take delivery of the Goods whenever they are tendered for delivery.

2. Any downloads not delivered, or product damages, shortages, over deliveries and duplicated orders should be reported to the Seller within 14 days of signed receipt to enable replacement or refund. All downloads and electronic products are sold without refund.

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