A formulation that is a combination of 5 time-tested botanical aphrodisiacs that open the heart and sexual chakras to increase loving, sexual relationships. Download this App and special audio track to your computer or mobile device and surround yourself with the vibration of ecstatic sexual energy. When downloaded to your smart phone, iPad, or tablet, place the phone, pad or tablet on your second chakra, and allow the energy to penetrate and release any sexual blockages, traumas or limiting belief systems, and fill your body with waves of ecstasy. The larger the mobile device placed on the second chakra, the more intense the experience of what one famous musician called “sexual healing.”
1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, delivery of the Goods shall take place by download from the seller’s website(s) or delivered to the address specified by the Buyer on, or as close as possible to the date required by the Buyer. The Buyer shall make all arrangements necessary to take delivery of the Goods whenever they are tendered for delivery.
2. Any downloads not delivered, or product damages, shortages, over deliveries and duplicated orders should be reported to the Seller within 14 days of signed receipt to enable replacement or refund. All downloads and electronic products are sold without refund.
Content by Hart Productions
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