Life Force is the energy field at 12 noon and of 12 distinct frequencies that Dr. Wilhelm Reich called Orgone. Orgone energy is what the ancient alchemists called Prana, Chi, or universal energy. It’s the highest vitality frequency or signal. When downloaded to your computer or mobile device, expand to the largest image and audio you can to produce the most powerful feeling of Life Force energy. Place the mobile device directly on your Third energy Chakra, and feel the powerful Life Force pulsate throughout your entire energy field. Give yourself this boost of vitality whenever you need recharging. Longtime use creates a cumulative effect as your mind and body absorb the vibrations and learn to maintain the state. Create the Life Force habit!
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2. Any downloads not delivered, or product damages, shortages, over deliveries and duplicated orders should be reported to the Seller within 14 days of signed receipt to enable replacement or refund. All downloads and electronic products are sold without refund.
Content by Hart Productions
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