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The Awesome Potential of e-DMT

DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is a powerful psychedelic found in certain plants and animals. It occurs in trace amounts in the human body and is the major psychoactive compound in Ayahuasca – used in ceremonies in south and central America to induce spiritual experiences.

Studies have shown how DMT alters brain function.

In one study as reported by Dr. Chris Timmermann from the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial college of London, during the participants immersive DMT experience, there was “increased connectivity across the brain, with more communication between different areas and systems.” Dr. Timmermann said that the changes were most profound between areas linked with higher functions such as imagination.

DMT also produces in many an effect of visiting different realities and effect of near death experience that alters their perceptions of life and creates neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain. DMT literally creates new mental and physical pathways and experiences.

It also enhances memory and in many users lifts depression. Another benefit is that DMT is not long-lasting and so provides an opportunity to experience these states on a short term basis. It has not been shown to physically alter the brain on a long term basis. However, the mental and emotional experiences can permanently alter and expand awareness–as often occurs with a near death experience.

iBlissnow LLC and DMT

Since many people believe all psychedelics alter the brain in dangerous ways, iBlissnow LLC, a mood enhancement company that produces digitally downloadable programs in App form, has created energetic psychedelics that copy the energy fields of the psychedelics, without actually producing or selling the physical substance itself. This not only avoids controlled substance laws, but allows the users to control the level of the experience–from micro to major energetic levels. iBlissnow has recently added a powerful DMT App to their product line.

THE VALUE OF MICRODOSING-just a little goes a long way!

When you microdose these digital energy fields you can, with just a few minutes of exposure, receive an energetic lift and mood enhancement. You control the amount of energetic effect by the exposure time to the DMT energy field. The stress release effects coupled with the bliss factor make for a brighter and more creative day or night. Micro dosing is an entheogenic clearing of stress producing issues and a welcomed re-ownership of the present moment.

With iBlissnow’s DMT Sacred Substance Copier, you can energy copy DMT energy onto gum, mints, aroma oil, shoe soles, shirts, caps, sunglasses, etc. The longer you run the copy process the stronger the copy job. Enjoy the benefits of having a whole DMT wardrobe engendering a blissful lifestyle!

iBlissnow LLC, through their website at is considered a subtle energy company. Their products have been developed by Dr. Norman McVea during 40+ years of quantum physics laboratory study and research. There is something for everyone–since there are products offered at a subtle experience level and at macro video immersion levels–including an in-depth Action At A Distance program which trains the participant in the science of remote influencing.

Visiting their website at gives you a full range of different mood enhancing products and free demos to try the energetics–and also to join a free iBlissers Club for free energetic Apps, energized music and free books on subtle energy technology.

* The study, published in the journal PNAS, is the first to track brain activity before, during and after the DMT experience in such detail. Dr Chris Timmermann, from the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London, and first author on the study, said: “This work is exciting as it provides the most advanced human neuroimaging view of the psychedelic state to-date. ‘Human brain effects of DMT assessed via EEG-fMRI’ by Christopher Timmermann et al. is published in the journal PNAS.

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