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What is more valuable than happiness?

In the world of opposites–the dual nature of existence–where happiness seems to exist, so does the opposite state of unhappiness–and achieving one always risks experiencing the other.

It has been taught in many Eastern religions and philosophical texts that happiness is transitory– and that life is suffering.  As wise woman, Byron Katie , once said”it comes to pass not to stay!”  Loss is inherent in all transitory states–physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

What mystics have sought for thousands of years is to achieve a state of non-thought, often described in Buddhism and other eastern practices as Nirvana.   A state of being present in silence without ego chatter or the desire for happiness, joy, peace, well-being or other emotional and physical states–a state of non-identification with ego–even spiritual ego.  A state of emptiness silence, stillness, and union with the One–which is experienced in the deepest state of meditation.

As mystics and saints have reported, this may take many lifetimes to achieve, and is only embarked upon by those who have satisfied enough ego desires to seek freedom from ego pursuits.  There is an old saying in the East “when the fruit is ready it drops from the tree.” There is no forcing the demise of the ego through drugs or privations.  The ego thins and disappears through the evolution of the soul back into the unified field of Being.

In the silence of meditation, or focused awareness, the duality can be experienced from a state of observation which has been called the witness state.  In that state, the observer is aware that they are not the body or the ego–but One with the All–who simply exists in a state of Beingness: non-emotional, non-rational, with no point of view.  Simply an observer while still in a body, free from feelings and duality. Free from happiness or unhappiness, joy or sorrow, attachment or loss.  The ultimate state of freedom.

If you are a spiritual seeker, you know that the path to Nirvana or Enlightenment is the most difficult path.  For some, near the end of their earthly evolution, they may awaken somewhere in their incarnation, without effort or intention–as have Byron Katie Stewart–not thinking of themselves as enlightened but not attached to any state of mind, existing as pure Being and experienced as pure Love. Those are few.

Recently, an AI computer program stated, after digesting an incredible amount of data on humanity, that the purpose of life is love–and that life has no other purpose than love.  An amazing insight for a machine.  This is not the emotion we call love, but the fixed and unmovable state of Being that is Love, that is Presence. This state is recognized through the emotion of love, unconditional love, or the experience of the kundalini of the highest chakras of green, blue, indigo and violet.


To further this journey of awakening, iBlissnow and Dr. Norman McVea, have designed a special Meditation App called Non-Thought.  This energized meditation tool deepens a being’s experience of entering the state of non-thought, and releases the anxieties and fears that the ego incurs in living a dual existence.  In the introduction to A Course in Miracles spiritual writings, it states: “Nothing real can be threatened….Nothing unreal exists….”

The world we see is a creation of the mind.  Form is created by ignoring the space between molecules.  We suffer, ultimately, from an illusion–or delusion–that we have a separate ego existence–the ultimate separation anxiety!

Happiness and fulfillment, through acquiring the illusions of the world, bring depression and pain of loss for most of us when we lose our possessions, our loved ones and even our own body and ego self. It helps to remember that our identities are like grains of sand in an unfathomable universe.  They are only temporary. They shift and reform through eternity. Not one is real, in the sense of lasting, because not one endures.  So, not one really exists. Most seekers know this. But transcending or releasing the positive as well as negative ego seems impossible for most of us. Books like Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle help.

The iBlissnow Non-Thought Mood App also helps, and was created from millions of amplifications  of meditation inducing sacred texts, with an added neuroptimal audio track.

This energetic Non-Thought is a new App that functions as a super meditation assist leading to a no-thought meditation state. Our most powerful yet. it is recommended  that you view and play the audio at the largest image and sound for the most intense experience.

When downloaded to your mobile devices, if you place the device on the heart chakra or third eye, it will produce a profound state of non-physical, stress-free Nirvana awareness.

It is especially helpful for those who experience difficulty in meditation or for those who think meditation is only a spiritual experience. Many have told us that it has transformed their meditation practice.  A definite tool to assist you on your journey of awakening!

Purchase the App on the iBlissnow website now at a 75% discount during our Inflation Relief Sale which ends this Spring. And welcome to the releasing silence of Non-Thought!

This is first in a series blogs about iBlissnow Mood Apps
© Copyright 2023. iBlissnow LLC. All rights reserved.

Readers Comments on this blog –

Wow, this is so beautifully said. Thank you for sharing – DK
So nice–thanks for the inspiration – AD
This App has deepened my meditations. Thank you so much! SD

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